Liz, a student health visitor and midwife, has spent the last week at Derby Women’s Centre to learn more about what services are available for women in and around Derby. We’ve really enjoyed having Liz here this week. Here’s what she has to say about her week here.
Liz in the Derby Wome’s Centre office
“Working briefly at Derby Women’s Centre has been a truly valuable experience and has felt like being part of a family.
From speaking to the women who come here it is evident that they feel the same and find it comfortable to talk to staff, volunteers and other women. The centre welcomes women of all ages and backgrounds and benefits from the diversity this brings.
The services on offer here include counselling, domestic violence drop-ins, debt and benefit advice and craft workshops, which I’ve been lucky enough to be a part of.
Staff and volunteers work tremendously hard to provide a supportive and welcoming environment where women can ring or just drop in, relax or gain advice. I would encourage women around Derby that feel they would benefit from help, advice or simply wish to meet new friends to come to the Women’s Centre. Facilities include a kitchen, a garden with a bench and blossoming flowers and many different function rooms, including places to talk privately.
A huge pleasure was observing a session of the Freedom Programme and recognising how beneficial it is to women that often feel they have no other way out. The programme is designed to help women understand abuse and find out about options that are available to them and places to go for additional support. The women in the group were able to talk about their experiences and relate to one another. From the session I can also see how it benefits women’s self-esteem and is an initial step to improving their circumstances. The programme is easily accessible and I would urge women that are subject to domestic violence to seek the help of the Women’s Centre; all cases are treated sensitively confidentially. The facilitators have vast experience in working with women who have suffered from domestic violence.
To continue to deliver vital services for women in Derby, the centre needs support from the public, and I would encourage everyone to donate as much or as little as they can to such a good cause.”