Domestic Abuse Helplines

Domestic Abuse and / or Violence means something different to everyone.  But no matter what there is always someone available to help when you need support, please take note of these numbers so you have them when you need them.  Ask a friend or family member you trust to store the numbers if it is not safe for you to do so yourself.

Please never worry that you are wasting someone’s time by reaching out for help.

If you are a victim or domestic abuse of know of someone who us, and there is an emergency that is ongoing or life is in danger, call 999 now.  If you are deaf or hard of hearing, use the textphone service 18000 or text the police on 999 if you have pre-registered with the emergency SMS service.

For non-emergency cases and for general advice, please call 101.  If you are deaf or hard of hearing, use the textphone service on 18001 101.


If you want to access support over the phone, you can call:

The Mix, free information and support for under 25s in the UK – 0808 808 4994
National LGBT+ Domestic Abuse Helpline – 0800 999 5428
Samaritans (24/7 service) – 116 123

Derbyshire Domestic Abuse Helpline – 0800 019 8668

Derby City Council – 0800 085 3481

South Derbyshire Care line – 01283 225810 (in emergencies)

Next Step – 01283 229 854

24 Hour Freedom Programme Help line – 01942 262 270

Escape – 01443 765899

Domestic Violence UK offers an Online Signposting Directory on their website.

You can also email for support. It is important that you specify when and if it is safe to respond and to which email address:

The Survivor’s Handbook from the charity Women’s Aid is free and provides information for women on a wide range of issues, such as housing, money, helping your children, and your legal rights.

If you are worried that you are abusive, you can contact the free Respect helpline on 0808 802 4040.

Sexual assault

Anyone who has been sexually assaulted can get confidential help, treatment and support at a sexual assault referral centre.

Read more about getting help after rape and sexual assault.

Find your nearest sexual assault referral centre

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