WE SAVE LIVES – Fundraising Campaign


When people ask what do we do – the answer can be summed up in three words, it is chillingly simple, without being dramatic.


We help some of the most vulnerable women and their families in our society.  Over the last three years, tragically, four women known to us committed suicide.  They were victims of domestic violence/mental ill-health.  We have to try to make sure this does not happen again.

The Centre’s funding from the Big Lottery is coming to an end this summer.  We have submitted several bids for alternative funding to ensure that the Centre receives long term funding, for at least the next two years, however, nothing is certain.  Therefore, we are launching a fundraising campaign today on International Women’s Day.  Our aim is to raise £35,000 by the end of June this year, to ensure that the Centre’s vital services continue, until we receive the outcome of our funding bids.

We would ask that you give as generously as you can and share our fundraising link below with as many people as you know.

Increasingly, attention is being brought to the devastating effects that domestic violence and mental health problems can have, which are widespread in the UK.

The shocking statistics are that:-

  • 6 out of 100 people (the large majority being women) in 2016 were estimated to be victims of domestic abuse but 79% of those did not contact the police.*


  • every week, one in six adults experiences symptoms of a common mental health problem, such as anxiety or depression, and one in five adults has considered taking their own life at some point**


This year, the Prime Minister Theresa May made comment on both issues:-

“Domestic violence and abuse is a life-shattering and absolutely abhorrent crime.”  “There are thousands of people who are suffering at the hands of abusers – often isolated and unaware of the options and support available to them to end it.”

“For too long mental illness has been something of a hidden injustice in our country, shrouded in a completely unacceptable stigma and dangerously disregarded as a secondary issue to physical health. Yet left unaddressed, it destroys lives”

Derby Women’s Centre helps save lives by providing the knowledge and support for those people who are suffering, we empower them, to move on, break the cycle of domestic abuse, rebuild their lives and their mental health and importantly help them to ensure their children have a better, brighter future. 

On behalf of the 500+ women and their children that we supported this year – THANK YOU.





* Office of National Statistics
**Mental Health Foundation. (2016). Fundamental Facts About Mental Health 2016. Mental Health Foundation: London





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